The purpose of our Code of Conduct is to ensure that all Techifide staff have the best possible experience. We are all here to help each other learn, grow our skillsets and have a good time!
The Techifide Code of Conduct covers our behaviour as Techifide team members, wherever we are – be that online or in person.
As a cross-cultural company, diversity is one of our huge strengths, but it can also lead to communication issues and unhappiness. So we have a few ground rules that we ask people to adhere to, to ensure that Techifide continues to be a respectful culture for communication, collaboration, and contribution.
This isn’t an exhaustive list of things that you can’t do. Instead, take it in the spirit it’s intended — a guide to make it easier to be good for each other. We expect it to be followed in spirit as much as to the letter.
Be considerate
Your work will be used by other people, and you, in turn, will depend on the work of others. Any decision you take will affect users and colleagues, and you should take those consequences into account when making decisions.
Be patient
People are busy. It’s possible that your question or suggestion might not receive an immediate response. Be patient and consider the norms of the business. One reminder is welcome; many reminders in rapid succession, not so much.
Be respectful
Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behaviour and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It’s important to remember that a company where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect Techifide people to be respectful when communicating with other team members, as well as with people outside Techifide.
Be nice
Everyone in Techifide should feel welcome, regardless of their background. Please be courteous, respectful and polite to fellow team members. No offensive comments related to gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion; no sexual images in public spaces, real or implied violence, intimidation, oppression, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption, inappropriate physical contact, or unwelcome sexual attention will be tolerated.
Communicate effectively
We don’t all speak the same language at the same skill level. Clear communication can help to avoid misunderstandings, as can remembering that our interpretations of words can be different depending on our backgrounds. Having context is important. It’s better to ask for clarification than to make assumptions. Disagreements, social and technical, are normal, but we expect people to resolve disagreements constructively – so please avoid personal attacks and repetitive arguments.
Ask for help when unsure
Nobody is expected to be perfect in this company. Asking questions early avoids many problems later, so questions are encouraged, though they may be directed to the appropriate person. Those who are asked should be responsive and helpful.